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Manual List

Define a list with a set of pages from your website. The list comes with extensive layout options.

The Manual List component provides the possibility of creating collections of links to other pages on your website for further navigation. Example uses could be all pages under the current page or specific hand-picked pages.

Apart from the component title, all editing is done through the Manual List Configuration in the component menu. Here you can configure the content and the layout of the list. There are quite a few options for manipulating the layout of a list. In the List Configuration you can choose between different list types, and each list type can be configured in terms of column setup and visible information features.

List content configuration

The list content is defined based on a set of prioritized rules, accessed through the List Configuration.

  • When inserting a manual list without any content configuration, the default behavior is to display all pages underneath the current page (or parent page) on which the list is inserted. The list setup will work in a dynamic manner, automatically updating when new pages are added or existing pages are deleted underneath the current page.
  • In the list configuration you can specify a different source in the Show Children From This Page. When selecting a different page in this field, you specify that page as the parent page from which to show underlying child pages, overriding the default functionality. This setup is dynamic as well, automatically updating the list when changes to the page structure occur.
  • If you want to be in complete control of the list content or if you want to add specific pages from different locations in your site structure, you can use the Manually Selected Pages to hand-pick the exact collection of pages you wish to present. Selected pages here have the highest priority, overriding all other list content settings. Since the pages are explicitly selected, the list will not update automatically, so to add or remove pages from the list, you need to manually update the list.

Display Style (list types)

Selecting a suitable list type should be the first step in configuring your list. However, you can switch list type on an existing list at any time.

Each list type is presented in the example lists later on this page with further specifications.

  • Simple List: a menu-like link collection with focus on the title and maybe the summary of each page link.
  • Picture List: a more visual list, using the images from each page to add life and appearance.
  • Graphic List: also a more visual list, using graphic content from each page and alternative layout. This list offers optional display of child pages within each list item.
  • Icon List: similar to the graphic list but with icons as the visual appearance and a different layout.

Note that the list type layouts may vary quite a bit between the different website skins available.

Promoted Items

You can promote one or more page items on your list to add focus by emphasize the presentation of them. A promoted item spans across the entire screen, adding to the general size of fonts and images within the item - depending on the display style.

  • Amount Of Promoted List Items: By default, this field is empty, causing no items to become promoted. Add a number (1 or more) to display that amount of pages on the list as promoted items. If the number is set to 2, the first two pages on the list will be displayed as promoted items. The functionality is dynamic, so if a new page occurs at the top of the list, the promotion changes to apply to the new page automatically.
  • Selected Promoted List Items: If you wish to be able to decide exactly which pages you want to promote on the list, you can do so by selecting the page(s) in this field. This overrides any other promotion settings, so the amount of pages selected here will all show as promoted on the list. You can promote any item from your entire site structure on any list.

Other settings

  • Number Of Columns: Select to display the list items in 1 - 4 columns. This setting applies only to larger screen sizes like a desktop screen. As the page is responsive, the number of columns automatically adjusts on smaller screens for the best possible presentation.
  • Visible Items In List: Limit the number of pages shown on the list. If no number is specified, all valid pages will be displayed.
  • Hide Summary: Choose not to display the page summary text on each list item.
  • Hide Date: Choose not to display the page date on each list item.
  • Max Number Of Tags Shown: Limit the number of tags shown (only relevant for sites using the taxonomy engine). If no number is set, all tags of each page will be displayed. If you limit the amount, the remaining tags will only be visible by expanding a hidden tags list on each list item.
  • Hide Tags: Choose to hide all tags on all page list items in the list (only relevant for sites using the taxonomy engine).
  • Hide Children: Only has effect on a list with the Display Type set to Graphic List or Standard List. Hides any child pages on all page item links in the list.
  • Font Awesome Icon Name Override: Choose a Font Awesome icon to override the Font Awesome icon set on each item