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Create a rich agenda or programme for one or more days

The Agenda component features elements wrapped inside other elements in different zones, and it is important to understand the concept to be able to create and edit agendas properly.

Inside the Agenda component, just below the component title and summary, is a local zone, the Agenda Zone, exclusively for agenda content within the component. In this zone you create one or more Agenda Sheets. Each sheet is equivalent to a day in the examples below.

The agenda sheet has a title, which is directly editable. However, each agenda sheet has its own local zone, the Agenda Sheet Zone, exclusively for creating agenda sheet content within that specific sheet. In this zone you create a number of Agenda Sheet Items. Each sheet item is equivalent to an agenda entry in the examples below.

How to create an agenda

  1. Insert a new Agenda component (see the Component Action Guides for details).
  2.  Click the New Component button again to activate insert options within the Agenda Sheet Zone.
  3. Click the Insert here button inside the zone.
  4. Choose the Agenda Sheet type (the only one available) and click Select.
  5. Fill out the Sheet Title. This translates to the clickable button in the top of the agenda.
    • To add multiple Agenda Sheets (days), repeat step 2 - 4.
  6. Click the New Component button again to activate insert options within the Agenda Sheet Item Zone.
  7. Click the Insert here button inside the zone. Make sure it is the Sheet Item zone and not the Sheet Zone.
  8. Choose the Agenda Sheet Item type and click Select.
  9. Fill out the sheet item information as desired.
    • To add multiple Agenda Sheet Items (entries), repeat step 6 - 9.

Example Single day Agenda Component

This component is created as a programme for only a single day.

21 June


9:00 - 10:00

This component has collapse/expand functionality similar to the Text Accordion component. This text is collapsed by default and only shown when the user clicks the heading.


10:15 - 12:00

Each entry in the agenda is called an Agenda Sheet Item. You can have as many sheets as you like.


12:00 - 13:00

Each expandable content section is a Rich Text field, so you can insert paragraphs, links, headings, images and other rich content.

In this particular section you could put today's lunch menu.

Workshop, continued

13:00 - ?

As you can see, the time slot of each sheet item is in fact just a text field and is not limited to display a time span.

Example Agenda Component with a two-day programme

This is the optional agenda summary text. This is visible on all agenda sheets.

When creating multiple Agenda Sheets, only the first one is visible. You change between sheets by clicking the Agenda Sheet Titles.

20 Juni

You can add an image to each sheet item

The image is visible both in collapsed and expanded form

The agenda sheet item image will be significantly scaled down to fit the small space available, so aim for a smaller image, preferably as close to square proportions as possible.

This is the Sheet Item Title. It is intended for a short single-line text, but it does support multiple lines

The expandable text section automatically aligns with the title when an image is present.

21 Juni

You can mix sheets with or without images

Each sheet item aligns within itself, so using an image in one item will not affect the others.

You don't have to fill out the agenda sheet summary below the title, as this sheet item illustrates.

This component is designed for agendas

... but you can use it for any situation where the format fits

All texts are freely editable, so you are not limited to referring to dates and times.