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Dropdown Links

Create one or more dropdowns that contains links to both external and internal resources.

The dropdown links component provides a way to show one or more dropdowns that contains links.

The dropdowns are maintained in either sitecore > content > Global > Link List Folder or [Your website] > Global > Link List Folder.
You can therefore share a dropdown link list across multiple sites on multiple pages, or have them exclusive on your site on multiple pages.

Before adding the component, you first have to setup the dropdown link lists in either the global folder or the website global folder.

Creating dropdown link lists

If there is not a Link List Folder in the global folder, then add it first by right clicking the Global folder and select Insert > Insert from Template. Then set Template to /User Defined/Foundation/Common/Link Lists/Link List Folder and Item Name to Link List Folder.

When the Link List Folder has been created in the global folder, right click it and insert a Link List and name a descriptive name of what kind of links it contains.
The Link List has the field Choose Item Text. It is used as the first item in the dropdown, which the user sees before opening the dropdown.

Once a Link List has been created, you can add Links to it, by right clicking it and select Link.

Each link has the field Link.

When selecting a link, remember to fill out the Link description/Description.

The component

To add a dropdown links, simply add the component and open the Dropdown Links Configuration(the same way you open the Component Display Options). Then select which Link Lists to display in the component.

Exampel Dropdown links

Component prefix, title and text is optional.

The component is not fully supported on all skins yet.

There is no limit to how many dropdown links a component can contain.