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Website Guides (administrator)

These guides cover the administrative website configuration options available. These settings generally affect the website as a whole. The website root element, page header, page footer and the website global folder content is explained here.

Every website in the solution has a website root element in Sitecore. This root element wraps all content pages from the front page and below as well as various global site settings, located in the Global folder. The website element has has globe outline icon and is usually named after the specific website.

Settings on the Website element

The website settings are only accessible through the Sitecore Content Editor (backend). These settings mostly impact the entire site in terms of layout and the behaviour of the site as a whole.

  • Website Logo
    The Website Logo is an image shown in the top left corner on all pages of the site. The logo normally scales down to fit the designated area.
  • Website Name
    This property is inserted in the metadata on all pages to expose the name of the website for search engines and when sharing on social media.
  • Google Site Verification ID
    When using Google Analytics or Tag manager, Google requires an ID to be inserted in order to verify the authenticity of the site. This value is placed as a metadata entry.
  • Website Skin
    This allows you to choose between a set of predefined skins, determining the layout and behavior of the entire site. This property is usually set when creating a new site and should not be changed afterwards. As the solution evolves, more custom skins will be made available on the list.
  • Website Content Placeholder
    The Content Placeholder is the zone in which editors add the different components on each page. By default, this property is set to the default value "Content Zone", which allows all available components to be inserted. If a site wishes to limit the insert options, another option can be made with different zone insert option settings. This is done by the vendor.
  • Website Share Buttons
    All sites have the option of including a social media share button menu on all or some pages. The menu can be hidden on each individual page. To define the sharing options of the menu, you select the desired social media sharing services here to enable a sharing button for each. If a wanted social media service is not present on the list, it may be possible to create a new button for that particular service - depending on the options made available by the service itself. The complete collection of available buttons is located within the solution under Content > Settings > Share Buttons. Editing this is for administrators or vendors only, as it impacts the entire solution.
  • Show Breadcrumb
    Checking this box enables a breadcrumb navigational component to be shown in the top of all pages (except for the front page), just below the page header area. It is possible to hide the breadcrumb individually on each page.
  • Website Favicon
    This is an image property to set the icon seen in the browser tab to the left of the page title.The default is the MFA icon. Add an image here to customize the site appearance in browsers. Note that changes to the favicon can take long to come into effect, as browsers tend to store earlier versions for some time.
  • Website Script (Top and Bottom)
    These properties make it possible to inject JavaScript to the top or the bottom of every page in the solution. This is useful for applying third party scripts like Google Analytics. Usually the script provider has guidelines as to whether the script is placed in the top or the bottom of the code.

    Note that this field is inserted on all pages of the site, and invalid or intrusive script code can severely damage the layout and the content of the page.
  • Cludo Search Configuration:
    • Customer ID and Engine ID
      The search functionality is based on Cludo, and an search indexing agreement is required for it to be enabled on a website. Upon reaching an agreement, Cludo will provide a Customer ID and an Engine ID, which is inserted here. If these properties are left empty, the search box will be omitted.
    • Facets
      If Cludo has been setup to index a site with multiple fields/facets, those facets can be inserted here to show them on the websites search result page. If left empty, Cludo defaults to the facet "Category". Remember to have each facet in quotation marks and comma separated. 
    • Show Search Filters If No Result
      If checked, the search result page will show filters even though there is no results. This is useful if a certain mix of search word and facet selection results in 0 results and the user wants to filter on another facet.

Elements in the Website Global folder

The Global folder contains settings and special elements for use on the site. The folder is located directly below the Website element. It is not recommended to edit elements in the folder unless you understand the impact of the changes, as it affects the entire site.

Below is a list of areas accessible through the Global folder. Note that not all areas may be available on all sites. Contact an administrator or the vendor, if you feel something is missing.

  • Contact People
    The Contact People folder contains a collection of Contact Persons for use with the Contact People Component. Contact Persons can be organized in folder underneath the Contact People folder, and each person holds basic contact information and profile picture and text. One or more people can be selected from the Contact People Component on all pages of the site, both manually and through taxonomy filtering, if the people are tagged with appropriate taxonomy tags.
  • Menus
    Menus are collections of links, used in the header and the footer of the site. For instance, the Service Menu located in the top right of all pages is a menu located in here. In fact, the service menu is a fixed menu entity, but it is possible to create more menus in this Menus folder. The footer has various menu display options, and upon creating a footer menu component, you need to pick a menu collection to display from the existing menus in this folder. You can even select the service menu element for use in the footer components as well. A menu consists of a menu collection element and a variable number of menu items containing link, link text (description) and options for opening in a new window.
  • Page Types
    The Page Types are a part of the taxonomy engine. In this folder you can create the desired page type tags used to mark up the individual pages. See the Taxonomy Guides for more information.
  • Taxonomy
    This folder contains the taxonomy tag collections and tags used for the specific site only. See the Taxonomy Guides for more information.
  • Dictionary
    The Dictionary is a single element containing a large variety of texts used throughout the website in components, buttons, metadata and so on. When creating a new website, an appropriate dictionary item in the corresponding language will be created. The dictionary item already contains suitable default texts for all the bits and pieces, but it is possible to override each value for use on the specific site. For instance, if you want the "Load more" button on the taxonomy list components to say "Load more pages...", the dictionary item is the place to change this. Note that changes affect the entire site but not other sites in the solution.
  • Redirects
    Redirects make it possible to handle redirects of pages from old obsolete pages (e.g. deleted pages or pages on an old version of a website) to a new appropriate location. Using the redirect functionality should only be used in agreement with the head administrator or the vendor.

The Page Header

The Page Header is not directly editable, as it is comprised by elements and content from different areas of the site.

  • Website Logo
    The logo is set on the Website element. See the section earlier on this page.
  • Main menu
    The menu is automatically generated from the pages created directly below the Front Page. The links refer to each page and the text on each link is the Page Title (or the Menu Title if used) of each page. Pages can be hidden from the main menu with the Hide in Navigation property. See the Page Guides for more information.
  • Service Menu
    The service menu is a generated menu based on the links created in the Service menu, located in the Website Global Folder. See the section earlier on this page.
  • Search box
    The search functionality is based on Cludo, and the search box is shown when the appropriate information provided by Cludo is added to the Website element. See the section earlier on this page.

The Page Footer

The footer of a site can be edited from the Front Page of the site only, and the content is then shown on all pages below as well. It has it's own collection of zones, footer variants and footer components. The overall principles of inserting components in the footer zones, switching between variants and editing content are the same as for the rest of the site, described in the Component Guides.

The footer has a three-column and a four-column variant. The three-column variant combines the first two columns into one. Each column has a zone for inserting footer components, and you can insert multiple components in each zone.

The modules available in the footer are simple and limited. Common for all components is that they have an optional component title property at the top. All footer components displaying a menu require selection of a predefined menu in the Menus folder within the Website Global folder (described above).

  • Footer Text
    The Footer Text is a simple rich text editor component intended for text content.
  • Footer Menu Dropdown
    The Dropdown menu is a link menu designed as a dropdown box with the link options hidden until the user clicks the dropdown arrow. This option is especially suitable for menus with a large amount of items.
  • Footer Menu Horizontal
    The horizontal menu presents the links on a line, extending to multiple lines only if the amount of links can't be contained on one line.
  • Footer Menu Vertical
    The vertical menu presents each link on a line of its own, like a bullet point list.
  • Footer Contact
    It only contains a ISO Code field which needs to be a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code(iso code of a country). When a valid country code is inserted, it will retrieve the country's title(for mobile app), office address, office zip code and office city from UM Sharepoint external organization data.