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Taxonomy List

Define a taxonomy-based list with extensive filtering and layout options.

The Taxonomy List is a dynamic alternative to the Manual List, sharing the same layout options, but offering automatically generated lists based on tags and page types added to each page on your site.

Prerequisites for using a Taxonomy List

The Taxonomy List only makes sense to use if you are using the built-in taxonomy concept on your site. This includes:

  1. Having a set of predefined Tags and/or Page Types in your website Global folder.
  2. Having added these tags/page types appropriately to the pages of your site to classify each page.

If your site is not using tags and page types, there will be nothing to filter the taxonomy list by, and the list will be empty. In this case, using a Manual List component would be the right alternative.

Layout Options

The Taxonomy List component shares the same layout features as the Manual List component. Click the link to read about Display Styles, Promoted Items and Other settings.

Filtering Options

The Taxonomy List offers a set of configuration options for filtering the pages included on the list, accessed through the Taxonomy List Configuration dialogue window:

  • Page Types: If your site is using Page Types, this options allows you to filter the list showing only pages with the page types selected in this property. Select one or more page types to filter by, or leave empty to include all pages types in he list.
  • Tags: If your site is using Tags, this option allows you to filter on one or more of the tags available. The property displays all available Tag Collections and each available tag in the collections. You can select one or more tags from all the existing collections.
  • Use Or: This setting is important to consider when configuring the list. By default, the filter of the list uses the setting AND, meaning that only pages that contain all selected tags/pages types are shown (tag1 AND tag2 AND tag3). When ticking the box, you define the list to use the setting OR, meaning that all pages that contain one (or more) of the selected tags/page types are shown (tag1 OR tag2 OR tag3).
    Use the default setting AND to create a very specific list containing pages with an exact set of tags, and use the setting OR to create a more general list with containing pages with a more loosely defined set of topics.
  • Enable Load More Functionality: When defining how many pages are visible on the list, this property offers the option of displaying a Load More button at the end of the list, if there are more results than the amount shown. Clicking the button will load the next set of results, adding them to the bottom of the list without reloading the page. This functionality stays active until all available pages are shown.
  • Root Element: By default, the taxonomy engine searches all pages on your site for tag/page type matches. This setting enables you to select an element in the tree structure of your site to make the filtering include only pages below the selected page (including the page itself). This is useful when you need to show only pages from one specific section of your site.

Show Pages with the tag 'taxonomy', Load more button active Taxonomy List Example
