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Taxonomy Dropdown

Add filtering options for all Taxonomy Lists on the current page.

The Taxonomy Dropdown component is a powerful addition to pages with one or more Taxonomy Lists. You can configure the component to add filtering options to the page, affecting all taxonomy-based lists inserted on the current page.

You can select any combination of local or global Tag Collections for filtering, enabling the user to select a specific Tag from each Tag Collection. When the user selects a tag, all taxonomy lists on the page will only show pages containing the selected tag - given that they also meet the existing filtering requirements set on the list.

The Taxonomy Dropdown is intelligent, showing only tags that will return at least one result, removing the remaining tags from the list. When having more than one tag collection dropdown for filtering, the other dropdowns will update automatically when selecting a tag in one. When no tags in a dropdown would return a result, the specific dropdown is hidden, meaning that the filtering is only visible when it is actually useful.

Note that you need at least one taxonomy list and at least one tag able to return one or more results for the taxonomy dropdown component to be visible outside of Edit Mode.

Example Taxonomy Dropdown

Here you can add a text description. The taxonomy list below is configured to show all component pages on this site by default. Select the topic "Taxonomy" in the dropdown and click Apply Filter to shown only pages tagged with the "Taxonomy" tag, excluding the current page.

Taxonomy List (necessary for dropdown to be visible)
