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This guide will provide information on how to setup and maintain a travel advices both in a broad term and for a specific country.

All travel advices and related data is maintained in sitecore > content > Global > Travel Advice

The Travel Advice folder contains countries and security levels. To display a travel advice on the website, you have to insert the Travel Advice component.


Each country below the countries folder, contains the fields:

  • Country Name
    The name of the country. 
  • Country Code
    The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code(iso code of a country, I.E. DK, NO, SE, etc). 
  • Valid From
    The date from which the travel advice is valid
  • Accordion
    General travel advice information about the county. I.E. general recommendations, crime, transport etc. Follow the Text Accordion guide on how to insert text.
  • Map Header
    The last accordion item will be a map of the country. Map Header is the title of that accordion item.
  • Travel Advice Map Coordinates
    Insert the latitude, longitude and zoom of the country, Remember the have them separated by a |. I.E. 51.1309|10.5814|5
  • Security Level
    • Minimal
      If there is any minimal security threats in the country, they should be specified here.
    • Low
      If there is any low security threats in the country, they should be specified here.
    • Medium
      If there is any medium security threats in the country, they should be specified here.
    • High
      If there is any high security threats in the country, they should be specified here.

Security Levels

Each Travel Advice Level inserted below Security Levels match the amount of Security Levels on a country(Minimal, Low, Medium and High). They are not to be renamed, deleted or added, but certain fields in each Travel Advice Level can be edited.

When inserting the Travel Advice component, each Travel Advice Level will be displayed in an accordion colored(green, yellow, orange and red) according to the threat level(minimal, low medium and high).

Each Travel Advice Level contains the fields:

  • Level
    Specify the security level(Minimal, Low, Medium or High). Should not be touched.
  • Title
    Specify the title of the security level accordion.
  • Text
    When the security level accordion is expanded, this text will be shown.