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Page Types

There are only a few base page types available in the system, but each site can define a set of page types

There are only a few standard page types available for use on a website and they function as structural indicators rather than defining what content they can contain. The Content Page will be the applied page type of most pages on a site. However, it is possible to have a more detailed page type distinction by using the page type taxonomy setup available on all sites.

It is possible to define a set of site-specific page types to further distinguish the content pages. On each content page the editor has the option of selecting a page type from the list through the Edit Metadata button. The page type functions as a tag like the rest of the taxonomy system, and it too can be used for filtering in taxonomy lists.

The page type tags are located at [Site] > Global > Page-Types and can only be edited in the Sitecore backend.