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Page Structure

Every page in the solution shares a common structure foundation consisting of a set of zones.

Page Header Zone

The page header contains the site identity (logo), the main navigation, service navigation and search functionality.

The content of the page header is shared and shown on all pages.

Content Header Zone

The Content Header is a fixed header at the top of the content area. The content header ensures that all pages have the required base information in terms of page title, meta data etc.

Content Zone

The Content Zone is a container for all the editable modules that are inserted to give each different page its unique content.

Page Footer Zone

The Page Footer is intended for general contact information, mission statements and general repetitive navigation and further links. The footer is a bit more dynamic than the header, as it is possible to create different content within a set of footer column zones.

The Page Footer content is shared on all pages of the website, and the footer content can only be edited from the frontpage.