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Value Prop

Add checklist content in multiple columns with optional custom icons.

Example The Value Prop Module

The text field of the Value Prop module has built-in special features. Regular text content is displayed in a normal way, but when inserting a unordered list (bullet list) and marking each bullet point with H3 headings, the list is transformed into a graphic checkbox list.

Note that you need to enter the Rich Text Editor of the text field to be able to insert an unordered list and add the H3 headings. Also, you need to close the Rich Text Editor after editing before you see the content transformed.

  • This is the first list item of the bullet list. All bullet points are marked as H3 headings.

  • The bullet list can handle multiple rows and columns (1 - 4 columns).

  • In this particular module, the list is set to show in three columns.

  • You can define the number of columns in the Value Prop Configuration dialogue.

  • The number of columns set is based on the view of a desktop computer screen.

  • On smaller screens, the number of columns automatically change to fit the window size in the best way possible.

Example Value Prop Module Using Display Options

  • Here the column number is set to 2.

  • The Display Options are set with a background color on the body only.

  • The checkmark has been customized with a Font Awesome icon (in this case "arrow-right"), set in the Module Settings.

  • You can also use a custom image to replace the default checkmark.