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Image Gallery

Create a gallery list of images in multiple rows and columns.

When creating a new Image Gallery component, it starts off empty. Inside the component, beneath the component title is a local zone, the Gallery Image Zone, exclusively for creating the individual gallery images. Use the New Component button to enable insert options within the zone.

Each individual image has a reference to a specific image in the Media Library, and it has an optional image caption.

In the Component Configuration you can set the desired number of columns (2 - 4) to display the images in. This setting applies only to larger display sizes like desktop screens. As the page is responsive, the gallery images will automatically arrange themselves in fewer columns on smaller screens to offer the most suitable presentation on that particular display.

Images in the gallery are scaled down to fit the display, but they maintain their original proportions. Using images with identical proportions (i.e. 1920 x 1080 pixel) will make for the most harmonic view, but the component is able to handle differently proportioned images.